cannot connect to localhost after installing yosemite cannot connect to localhost after installing yosemite unix unix

cannot connect to localhost after installing yosemite

Check your Apache config with this command:

sudo apachectl -t

This tests the config files and tells you if there's an error. Running sudo apachectl start does not output config file syntax errors to the logs for some reason.

Do u have skype or pow installed ?

I just wanted to post my solution to getting localhost working again.

I used the following process to reinstall apache and update the ports.It worked for me so I hope it can help someone else.

I do mention at the bottom that im still getting an unfound url error, so if anyone can help, that would be great.


port search apache2Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider using selfupdate

sudo port uninstall apache2

sudo port -v selfupdate

Ensure that Xcode command line tools are installed or else you get a warning:Warning: The Xcode Command Line Tools don't appear to be installed; most ports will likely fail to build.

xcode-select —install

sudo port upgrade outdated

sudo port search apache2

then i did a reinstall of apache2sudo port install apache2

sudo port load apache2

This got Localhost back up and running on port 80 for me however I'm not out of the woods yet.when i go to my dev sites using


im getting the following error

Not Found

The requested URL /~barrymcmahon/php_5_advanced/ was not found on this server.