Clearing output of a terminal program in Linux C Clearing output of a terminal program in Linux C unix unix

Clearing output of a terminal program in Linux C

There're several ways to delete the DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  1. Print backspace several times
  1. Print carriage-return and then print something to override the original line
  1. If you are in a newline. You may use terminal commands to move your cursor

such as printf("\033[8;5Hhello"); // Move to (8, 5) and output hello

Other commands:

printf("\033[XA"); // Move up X lines;printf("\033[XB"); // Move down X lines;printf("\033[XC"); // Move right X column;printf("\033[XD"); // Move left X column;printf("\033[2J"); // Clear screen...
  1. Don't forget ncurses

It is the best ways to control the exact layout and format in a terminal

If you are using X-Term compatibles (Gnome Terminal included), then print the following



cout << "\033[2J";

where \033 is the escape character in ASCII and [2J is the specific action (clear).

I tried answering for what is best expected here.


comment the last line or delete if you dont want to display in terminal. printf("xxxx") is the statement used for printing output in terminal.