Collecting the output of an external command using OCaml Collecting the output of an external command using OCaml unix unix

Collecting the output of an external command using OCaml

You want Unix.open_process_in, which is described on page 388 of the OCaml system manual, version 3.10.

For Lwt,

val pread : ?env:string array -> command -> string Lwt.t

seems to be a good contender. Documentation here:

let process_output_to_list2 = fun command ->   let chan = Unix.open_process_in command in  let res = ref ([] : string list) in  let rec process_otl_aux () =      let e = input_line chan in    res := e::!res;    process_otl_aux() in  try process_otl_aux ()  with End_of_file ->    let stat = Unix.close_process_in chan in (List.rev !res,stat)let cmd_to_list command =  let (l,_) = process_output_to_list2 command in l