Combine JSON files and recalculate percentages with JQ Combine JSON files and recalculate percentages with JQ unix unix

Combine JSON files and recalculate percentages with JQ

In terms of your intermediate results "A" and "B" (denoted below by $a and $b), the following filter produces the required answer. The key is transpose:

($a | [.hits_percents, .visitors_percents, .bytes_percents] | transpose)| . as $v| reduce range(0; length) as $i    ($b;       .[$i].hits.percent = $v[$i][0]      | .[$i].visitors.percent = $v[$i][1]     | .[$i].bytes.percent = $v[$i][2] )

There is probably a better way to get the final result, but you asked how the two intermediate results can be combined....

Bonus question:

 # Round a (positive) percentage to two decimal places: def percent:   ((1000 * .) | floor)   | (. % 10) as $r   | ((. / 10) | floor) as $answer   | if $r > 4 then ($answer + 1) else $answer end   | . / 100   ;

This could be used by adding map(map(percent)) after the transposition:

def percent:  ((1000 * .) | floor)  | (. % 10) as $r  | ((. / 10) | floor) as $answer  | if $r > 4 then ($answer + 1) else $answer end  | . / 100;($a | [.hits_percents, .visitors_percents, .bytes_percents] | transpose)  | map(map(percent))  | . as $v  | reduce range(0; length) as $i      ($b;         .[$i].hits.percent = $v[$i][0]        | .[$i].visitors.percent = $v[$i][1]       | .[$i].bytes.percent = $v[$i][2] )