combine two sed commands [duplicate] combine two sed commands [duplicate] unix unix

combine two sed commands [duplicate]

You can do:

for each in *; do sed -i.bak 's/^"//g; 1d' "$each"; done

You can put them into the same invocation of sed like this:

for f in *; do sed -i '1d;s/^"//' "$f"; done

As well as combining the two sed commands, I have also used a glob * rather than attempting to parse ls, which is never a good idea.

Also, your substitution needn't be global, as it can by definition only apply to each line once, so I removed the g modifier as well.

You can do it with a single commmand in this way:

sed -i.bak --separate '1d ; s/^"//' *


With --separate you're telling sed to treat the files separately, the default is to process them as a long single file but you are using adresses (1 in the first command) so the default doesn't work.

'1d ; s/^"//' just combines the two commands (separated by ;).