Convert milliseconds timestamp to date from unix command line Convert milliseconds timestamp to date from unix command line unix unix

Convert milliseconds timestamp to date from unix command line

Instead of dropping characters, you could divide by 1000:

awk '{print strftime("%c", ( <timestamp in milliseconds> + 500 ) / 1000 )}'


date -d @$(  echo "(MilliSecondTimeStamp + 500) / 1000" | bc)

Or (MacOS):

gdate -d @$(  echo "(MilliSecondTimeStamp + 500) / 1000" | bc)

Edit: Adjusted for the quotients instead of division.Edit2: Thx zeekvfu, fixed.

perl -e 'print scalar localtime(<timestamp> / 1000)'

What I have in my bash profile on Mac:

day() {  date -r $(($1 / 1000))}

day 1486743904359 returns Fri Feb 10 08:25:04 PST 2017