Copying File From Unix To Windows Clipboard [closed] Copying File From Unix To Windows Clipboard [closed] unix unix

Copying File From Unix To Windows Clipboard [closed]

Like the interactive session with your Unix server, you can also use ssh to execute a command and then quit. With cat, you can print the contents of files on the Unix server. Windows comes with the clip tool that captures output and places it in the clipboard. Voila:

ssh user@server cat /etc/passwd | clip

If you have PuTTY (or any Windows SSH client) just super copy it:

scp username@linuxMachineAddress<linux directory path> C:\Documents\filename.extension

For example:

pscp firdooze@ C:\Documents\helloWorld.txt

More read here

If you would do it with vim, vim could open remote file via scp directly.

try (on windows the command line could be different, but you got the idea)

vim scp://remoteuser@server.tld//path/to/your/large/file

you have to have vim on your local machine (on your windows)

then you could play with registers.