Curl command line encoding of query parameters for an HTTP PUT Curl command line encoding of query parameters for an HTTP PUT unix unix

Curl command line encoding of query parameters for an HTTP PUT

The solution is to use the -G switch in combination with the --data-urlencode switch. Using the original example, the command would look like the following:

$ curl -X PUT -G '' --data-urlencode 'param1=value 1' --data-urlencode param2=value2

The -G switch causes the parameters encoded with the --data-urlencode switches to be appended to the end of the http URL with a ? separator.

In the example, the value of param1, would be encoded as value%201, where %20 is the encoded value for a space character.

PUT requests are actually working like POST requests.

You should use$ curl -X PUT --data "param1=value1&param2=value2" http://whatever

Data should be x-www-form-urlencoded.

EDIT: Though it is totally contrary to the standard, I've seen instances where the request body must both had to be appended as a query string and passed as form-data.

LinkedIn API is the most notable.