deactivate:unset:1: no such hash table element: pydoc deactivate:unset:1: no such hash table element: pydoc unix unix

deactivate:unset:1: no such hash table element: pydoc

You can see virtualenv pr on github.

or you can change deactivate () function.

change unset -f pydoc to unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1

Try installing the latest version of virtualenv.

It's yet unreleased, but you can run this command to get it:

pip install

As for now the only change is this little fix. You can see the changelog here, and the files changed on that fix for reference are available here.

It's advised not to manually modify it, and install the forked version instead. (It's easier even)

This error was present in released version of zsh. It's been fixed but yet not released. I have confirmed this on github. Follow this link.Thanks!