Docker volume mount issue to a mounted folder Docker volume mount issue to a mounted folder unix unix

Docker volume mount issue to a mounted folder

You might want to use to use a Volume Driver instead of bind-mounting a local filesystem.See Share data among machines

Without knowing more about your environment it is impossible to give a more detailed answer. It would be helpful to know if your container runs in a AWS data center or if you use nfsv3, nfsv4 or cifs for mounting.

The following solution helped me to continue.I wrote a script to check whether the folder exists.The script is then called a command in the docker-compose file.

   version:"3"   services:   flowable-task-handler:    build: flowable-task-handler      ports:    - "8085:8085"    command: bash -c "/ /mnt/share/fileshares/ && java -jar /app.jar"

#!/bin/sh# Used to check whether the mount folder is ready for flowable to usemountedfolder="$1"until [  -d "$mountedfolder" ]; do sleep 2;  echo error "Mounted folder not found : $mountedfolder";   done;

Its a spring boot application. I have removed the entrypoint in the DockerFile and application is started using the command in docker compose(java -jar /app.jar")

defining the mount propagation as ":shared" should fix this:

-v /autofs:/autofs:shared \

not sure about docker-compose - I don't really use that. but you can define a docker volume with mount propagation and put this into your DC file.