Extract Lines when Column K is empty with AWK/Perl Extract Lines when Column K is empty with AWK/Perl unix unix

Extract Lines when Column K is empty with AWK/Perl

You need to specifically set the field separator to a TAB character:

> cat qq.in  foo     78      xxx  bar             yyy  qux     99      zzz  xuq             xyz> cat qq.in | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} $2=="" {print}'  bar             yyy  xuq             xyz

The default behaviour for awk is to treat an FS of SPACE (the default) as a special case. From the man page:

In the special case that FS is a single space, fields are separated by runs of spaces and/or tabs and/or newlines. (my italics)

perl -F/\t/ -lane 'print unless $F[1] eq q//' myfile.txt

Command Switches

  • -F tells Perl what delimiter to autosplit on (tabs in this case)
  • -a enables autosplit mode, splitting each line on the specified delimiter to populate an array @F
  • -l automatically appends a newline "\n" at the end of each printed line
  • -n processes the file line-by-line
  • -e treats the first quoted argument as code and not a filename

grep -e '^.*\t\t.*$' myfile.txt

Will grep each line consisting of characters-tab-tab-characters (nothing between tabs).