Getting the exit code of a shell script, in a C program Getting the exit code of a shell script, in a C program unix unix

Getting the exit code of a shell script, in a C program

After you have closed a stream, you cannot perform any additional operations on it.

You should not call read or write or even pclose after you called pclose on a file object!

pclose means you are done with the FILE * and it will free all underlying data structures (proof).

Calling it the second time can yield anything, including 0.

Your code should look like this: r = pclose(shell);if(WEXITSTATUS(r)==3){            printf("AAA\n");}else if(WEXITSTATUS(r)==4){            printf("BBB\n");} else {    printf("Unexpected exit status %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(r));}...