How can I pass a variable to a system() call in ruby? How can I pass a variable to a system() call in ruby? unix unix

How can I pass a variable to a system() call in ruby?

Besides popen you could also look at Shellwords.escape:

puts Shellwords.escape("I'm quoting many different \"''' quotes")=> I\'m\ quoting\ many\ different\ \"\'\'\'\ quotes

This will take care of quoting special characters for you (bash compatible):

system("echo '#{Shellwords.escape(some_var)}' | ....")

Oh, happy injection. You're looking forIO.popen.

IO.popen('grep ba', 'r+') {|f| # don't forget 'r+'  f.puts("foo\nbar\nbaz\n") # you can also use #write  f.close_write # get the data from the pipe}# => "bar\nbaz\n"

popen and Shellwords.escape are good solutions but system already have a built in escaping with the array syntax

system('argument', 'argument2', 'argument3')

for example

2.1.2 :002 > abc = "freeky\nbreak"# "freeky\nbreak" 2.1.2 :003 > system("echo #{abc}")  #this is badfreeky# => true 2.1.2 :004 > system("echo",abc)     # this is proper wayfreekybreak# => true