How do I view a log file generated by screen (screenlog.0) How do I view a log file generated by screen (screenlog.0) unix unix

How do I view a log file generated by screen (screenlog.0)

I just found a screenlog.0 on the net; it is plain text, with some escape sequences. Just 'cat' the file, you should be able to view it just fine.

[after more checking]Control-A H is what generates the screenlog on my system. And though 'cat' works, you'll miss a lot of data. Use 'more' instead of 'less' to interpolate the escape codes.

I found neither less nor more nor cat to be an ideal solution for viewing screenlog files. All "replay" some of the control character so that e.g. screen deletions as produced by "clear" (don't remember the corresponding control character) are beeing shown, hiding what has been cleared.

What i know works great is: use "view" or "vi", it just shows the control character in escaped notation. Probably any other text editor works, too (not tested).

-L logs to file, tail -f 'logfilename' to monitor this file