How does glibc's write work? How does glibc's write work? unix unix

How does glibc's write work?

You have some misconceptions about C and unix.

I thought write was a Unix thing

Definitely, write is a syscall which is a part of the POSIX standard. POSIX is a standard that is compatible with unix (a very old operating system).

This means that the syscall called write exists in any unix or POSIX-compliant (like Linux) operating system. However, if you don't have a an implementation of the C standard library (like glibc in Linux or bionic in Android) - how are you going to make a syscall (i.e. ask the kernel of the OS to do something)? Syscalls are architecture dependent (SPARC, Intel, ARM, PowerPC etc will have different implementations) - and are implemented by the C standard library. If you don't have one (e.g when you complie with -nostdlib you specifically ask not to have a C standard library) - you can't call write, the function doesn't exist. You can, however, implement it yourself using assembly.

The code you provided is for __libc_write, which is not the same as write. There's some voodoo that's going on between glibc and gcc here, something that has to do with stubs and I don't completely understand it.

The trivial implementation is something like this:

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count){    return __set_errno(syscall(__NR_write, fd, buf, count));}

(In bionic, Android's libc implementation, you can see the sources here - see that it is implemented in assembly)

The syscall function is implemented in assembly in glibc (and anywhere else): (for x86_64)

However, if you must really know what's happening in glibc when you call write - it's a bit complicated. As far as I understood it, it calls _IO_new_file_write (implemented here). _IO_new_file_write uses the write_not_cancel macro defined here which is a macro for INLINE_SYSCALL (write, 3, fd, buf, len), which is the implementation for calling a syscall and setting errno.