How to autofill a column until a new value is reached, then autofill using that value How to autofill a column until a new value is reached, then autofill using that value unix unix

How to autofill a column until a new value is reached, then autofill using that value

The easiest way I know is to do it via a formula in the column directly to the right.

So for example, you wwuld have:

COL A:  COL B:   COL C:    COL D:12345   83492    A         =C128397   18723              =IF(C2="",D1,C2)20983   39847   98237   28394    B09477   34566   03940   76382    C39348   38495

Then drag the formula in D2 all the way down, then you can copy/paste values.

If you are not interested in VBA / Formula. Then, you can try below simple steps:

  1. Select the range. For Example, C1:C7
  2. Press Keyboard function key F5. A dialogue box appears (Go To)
  3. Click button 'Special'
  4. From seen options (Radio button) select 'Blanks' and click 'OK'
  5. Press Keyboard Key = (equal symbol) and Press Arrow-Up Key once.
  6. Then, Press Keyboard Key CTRL+Enter together to see results