How to create folders using file names and then move files into folders? How to create folders using file names and then move files into folders? unix unix

How to create folders using file names and then move files into folders?

It's not necessary to use trim or xargs:

for f in *.txt; do    band=${f% - *}    mkdir -p "$band"    mv "$f" "$band"done

with Perl

use File::Copy move;while (my $file= <*.txt> ){    my ($band,$others) = split /\s+-\s+/ ,$file ;    mkdir $band;    move($file, $band);}

gregseth's answer will work, just replace trim with xargs. You could also eliminate the if test by just using mkdir -p, for example:

for f in *.txt; do    band=$(echo "$f" | cut -d'-' -f1 | xargs)    mkdir -p "$band"    mv "$f" "$band"done

Strictly speaking the trim or xargs shouldn't even be necessary, but xargs will at least remove any extra formatting, so it doesn't hurt.