How to efficiently sum two columns in a file with 270,000+ rows in bash How to efficiently sum two columns in a file with 270,000+ rows in bash unix unix

How to efficiently sum two columns in a file with 270,000+ rows in bash

Use instead and take advantage of modulus function:

awk '!(NR%2){print $1+$2}' infile

awk is probably faster, but the idiomatic way to do this is something like:

while read -a line; do      # read each line one-by-one, into an array                            # use arithmetic expansion to add col 1 and 2    echo "$(( ${line[0]} + ${line[1]} ))"done < <(grep -v READ input.txt)

Note the file input file is only read once (by grep) and the number of externally forked programs is kept to a minimum (just grep, called only once for the whole input file). The rest of the commands are bash builtins.

Using the <( ) process substition, in case variables set in the while loop are required out of scope of the while loop. Otherwise a | pipe could be used.

Your question is pretty verbose, yet your goal is not clear. The way I read it, your numbers are on every second line, and you want only to find the maximum sum. Given that:

awk '    NR%2 == 1 {next}     NR == 2 {max = $1+$2; next}     $1+$2 > max {max = $1+$2}    END {print max}' filename