How to execute a shell script and use the result in ansible How to execute a shell script and use the result in ansible unix unix

How to execute a shell script and use the result in ansible

- name:               Get Radar exe url  shell:              curl -s | grep linux.tar.gz | grep browser_download_url | head -1 | cut -d \" -f 4  register:           shell_output- set_fact:    Radarr_exe_url : "{{ shell_output.stdout }}"

Here is pure Ansible solution, as calling shell commands when there is module available considered bad practice:

- hosts: localhost  gather_facts: no  tasks:    - uri:        url:        return_content: yes        body_format: json      changed_when: no      register: radarr_releases    - set_fact:        Radarr_exe_url: "{{ radarr_releases.json | json_query('[0].assets[].browser_download_url') | select('search','linux.tar.gz') | first }}"