How to prevent a Linux program from running more than once? How to prevent a Linux program from running more than once? unix unix

How to prevent a Linux program from running more than once?

The most common way is to create a PID file: define a location where the file will go (inside /var/run is common). On successful startup, you'll write your PID to this file. When deciding whether to start up, read the file and check to make sure that the referenced process doesn't exist (or if it does, that it's not an instance of your daemon: on Linux, you can look at /proc/$PID/exe). On shutdown, you may remove the file but it's not strictly necessary.

There are scripts to help you do this, you may find start-stop-daemon to be useful: it can use PID files or even just check globally for the existence of an executable. It's designed precisely for this task and was written to help people get it right.

Use the boost interprocess library to create a memory block that will be created by the process. If it already exists, it means that there is another instance of the process. Exit.

The more precise link to what you need would be this one.

#include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>int main(){  using boost::interprocess;  boost::scoped_ptr<shared_memory_object> createSharedMemoryOrDie;  try  {     createSharedMemoryOrDie.reset(        new shared_memory_object(create_only, "shared_memory", read_write));  } catch(...)  {     // executable is already running     return 1;   }  // do your thing here}

If you have access to the code (i.e. are writing it):

  • create a temporary file, lock it, remove when done, return 1; if file exists, or,
  • list processes, return 1; if the process name is in the list

If you don't:

  • create a launcher wrapper to the program that does one of the above