How to run from PHP a bash script under root user How to run from PHP a bash script under root user unix unix

How to run from PHP a bash script under root user

You can use sudo:

exec("sudo /your/script");

You should allow executing your script without password prompt. Run sudo visudo in console and add the following string to the end:

nobody ALL = NOPASSWD: /your/script

You must set up file mode properly to ensure that no one can modify this script and put dangerous contents into it (in root console):

chown root:root /your/scriptchmod 755 /your/script

You can make a program which is set-uid root. This causes the program to always run as root. This doesn't work with shell scripts, so you have to use a program which calls your script.

Under Linux you normally do this using sudo. Try to be as specific as possible, so not to give the script too many permissions.

For examples on how to use sudo: