How to store List of adb devices on network into php array How to store List of adb devices on network into php array unix unix

How to store List of adb devices on network into php array

// remove extra spaces, then split into array by new lines$arr = explode("\n", preg_replace('/  +/',' ',$x));array_shift($arr); // remove 1-st line$result = Array();foreach($arr as $v){    $tmp = explode(' ',$v); // split each line into words    list($ip,$port) = explode(':',$tmp[0]);    $item = Array('ip'=>$ip, 'port'=>$port);        array_shift($tmp); // remove IP:PORT    array_shift($tmp); // remove DEVICE    foreach($tmp as $n)    {        list($key,$data) = explode(':',$n); // split by :        $item[$key] = $data; // accumulate key/data pairs    }    $result[] = $item; // append device to the result array}