How to switch between multiple files in UNIX while using VI editor? How to switch between multiple files in UNIX while using VI editor? unix unix

How to switch between multiple files in UNIX while using VI editor?

Next file: :n

Previous file: :p, :N or :prev depending on which vi implementation you're using.

Here's a typical cheat sheet which has a section "Files" on this topic.

For Linux Red-Hat VI version 7.2.411 use :n and :N to switch next and previous.

AIX's vi has it's own commands; it took me a while to find this information because the answers in this question didn't have it already, so I'll add this answer.

Neither :p, :N, nor :prev work to go to the previous file, you need to use one of the variations of the :n --- command.

The :n for moving to the next file is the same

Use :n file_name to move to a certain file (Can open new files this way too) (To go to the previous file, just do this with the previous file's name

Use :n list of file names to define a new list of files to edit (In this case, the files list, of, file, and names would be opened in series using :n after running :n list of file names

Other useful results from the man pages

   :e File        Edits the specified file. If you are using this subcommand         from the ex editor, you do not need to type the : (colon).   :e!        Re-edits the current file and discards all changes.   :e + File        Edits the specified file starting at the end.   :e + Number File        Edits the specified file starting at the specified line number.   :e #        Edits the alternate file. The alternate file is usually the         previous file name before accessing another file with a         :e command. However, if changes are pending on the current         file when a new file is called, the new file becomes the         alternate file. This subcommand is the same as the Ctrl-A         subcommand.   Ctrl-G        Shows the current file name, current line number, number of         lines in the file, and percentage of the way through the         file where the cursor is located.