How to test if sparse file is supported How to test if sparse file is supported unix unix

How to test if sparse file is supported

You can stat() the file to obtain file size and number of disk blocks, seek a relatively small number of disk blocks past the end of the file, write a known number of blocks, then stat the file again. Compare the original number of disk blocks to the final number. Just a few disk blocks shouldn't take too long to write if the file system doesn't support sparse file.

Given the original and final number of disk blocks, then try to determine if the file system supports sparse files. I say "try" because some filesystems can make this hard - for example, ZFS with compression enabled.

Something like this:

#include <unistd.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <errno.h>int check( const char *filename ){    struct stat sb;    long blocksize;    off_t filesize;    blkcnt_t origblocks;    char *buffer;    int fd;    fd = open( filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0644 );    fstat( fd, &sb );    blocksize = sb.st_blksize;    filesize = sb.st_size;    origblocks = sb.st_blocks;    lseek( fd, 16UL * blocksize, SEEK_END );    buffer = malloc( blocksize );    memset( buffer, 0xAA, blocksize );    write( fd, buffer, blocksize );    fsync( fd );    free( buffer );    // kludge to give ZFS time to update metadata    for ( ;; )    {        stat( filename, &sb );        if ( sb.st_blocks != origblocks )        {            break;        }    }    printf( "file: %s\n filesystem: %s\n blocksize: %d\n size: %zd\n"        " blocks: %zd\n orig blocks: %zd\n disk space: %zd\n",        filename, sb.st_fstype, blocksize, sb.st_size,        ( size_t ) sb.st_blocks, ( size_t ) origblocks,        ( size_t ) ( 512UL * sb.st_blocks ) );    // return file to original size    ftruncate( fd, filesize );    return( 0 );}int main( int argc, char **argv ){    for ( int ii = 1; ii < argc; ii++ )    {        check( argv[ ii ] );    }    return( 0 );}

(error checking is omitted for clarity)

ZFS with compression enabled doesn't seem to update the file metadata quickly, hence the spinning waiting for the changes to appear.

When run on a Solaris 11 box with the files asdf (ZFS filesystem, compression enabled) /tmp/asdf (tmpfs file system), and /var/tmp/asdf (ZFS, no compression), that code produces the following output:

file: asdf filesystem: zfs blocksize: 131072 size: 2228224 blocks: 10 orig blocks: 1 disk space: 5120file: /tmp/asdf filesystem: tmpfs blocksize: 4096 size: 69632 blocks: 136 orig blocks: 0 disk space: 69632file: /var/tmp/asdf filesystem: zfs blocksize: 131072 size: 2228224 blocks: 257 orig blocks: 1 disk space: 131584

From that output, it should be obvious that /tmp/asdf is on a file system that doesn't support sparse files, and /var/tmp/asdf is in a file system that does support such files.

And plain asdf is on something else entirely, where writing 128 kB of data adds all of 9 512-byte disk blocks. From that, you can infer that there's some sort of compression going on in the filesystem. Offhand, I suspect it's pretty safe to assume any filesystem that supports such native compression is also going to support sparse files.

And the fastest way to determine if a filesystem supports sparse files when give a filename or open file descriptor is to call stat() on the filename or fstat() on the file descriptor, obtain the st_fstype field from the struct stat, and compare the file's filesystem type to a set of strings of filesystem types known to support sparse files.

This is a highly naive CLI interactive test, but if du and du --apparent are different, you can be pretty sure that the filesystem supports sparse files.

E.g. on an ext4 partition, when I do:

dd seek=1G if=/dev/zero of=f bs=1 count=1 status=nonedu --block-size=1 fdu --block-size=1 --apparent f

it gives me:

8192    f1073741825      f

So the 1GB apparent size file actually only took up 8KB, which implies that a sparse file was created.

See also: why is the output of `du` often so different from `du -b`