How to trim white space for every element in JQ? How to trim white space for every element in JQ? unix unix

How to trim white space for every element in JQ?

If the input is an array of JSON objects and if you're looking for a one-liner, then the following seems to meet your requirements:

jq '.[]|(.k1,.k2)|if type=="string" then gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$";"") else . end' | paste -d "," - -

With your input, this produces


If you are flexible about how null is presented in the output, you might also consider an all-jq solution (i.e. without paste). For example:

jq -r '.[]|[.k1,.k2]|map(if type=="string" then gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$";"") else . end)|@csv'

With your input, this produces:


The below will remove leading and trailing spaces in strings anywhere inside an arbitrarily complex JSON structure:

#!/usr/bin/env jq -cf# Define walk function (standard library only for jq 1.6 and newer, currently unreleased)def walk(f):  . as $in  | if type == "object" then      reduce keys_unsorted[] as $key        ( {}; . + { ($key):  ($in[$key] | walk(f)) } ) | f  elif type == "array" then map( walk(f) ) | f  else f  end;walk(  if type == "string" then    (sub("^[[:space:]]+"; "") | sub("[[:space:]]+$"; ""))  else . end)

If one saves the above (e.g. in trim-json), and marks it executable (chmod +x trim-json), then ./trim-json <<<"$json" with your given input emits:


Similarly, with the updated input:

$ json='[{"k1":" http://url", "k2":null, "k3":" v3", "k4":" v4"}]'$ ./trim-json <<<"$json"[{"k1":"http://url","k2":null,"k3":"v3","k4":"v4"}]

The example has a space in front of every value. For the case where you can simply remove the first (or N) characters of a string, then a simple map over range slicing works:

$ jq -c '.[] | map_values(.[1:]) | .k1,.k2' <<< "$json" | paste -d "," - -"http://url",null

This approach has the benefit of being unpretentious and simple to understand.