How to updated node-gyp and/or interpret "node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log)"? How to updated node-gyp and/or interpret "node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log)"? unix unix

How to updated node-gyp and/or interpret "node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log)"?

I get the same messages when installing mongo-client as well, but they are warnings and not errors, so npm continues.

The warnings are related to some custom dependencies (see here) for mongo-client, which cannot be resolved by npm. However, it tries to do the right thing by installing non-custom versions of those dependencies instead (and tells you about it with a warning).

It might, or might not, work after installing. I got as far as running require('mongo-client') which didn't raise any errors, but it might still run into problems when actually in use.

Perhaps the author of mongo-client has a reason to include these custom dependencies, but they really should be either included as part of his own module, or he should have used a proper location (like a Github repository) from which npm can install them.

I had the same problem whilst installing gulp and its dependencies. I resolved by updating the npm package. Try: npm install -g npm

Is a mongod instance running?

I received a (node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log) || (exit 0) message trying to install the mondgodb driver while an instance of mongod was running. After stopping mongod, I no longer received the message.