Insert 1000+ nodes and attributes with XMLStarlet - Running Slow Insert 1000+ nodes and attributes with XMLStarlet - Running Slow unix unix

Insert 1000+ nodes and attributes with XMLStarlet - Running Slow

Why not use parallel (or sem) so that you can parallelise the job over the number of cores available on the machine?The code I use is parsing an array with 2 variables, that I export in local just to make sure processes are isolated.

for array in "${listofarrays[@]}"; do    local var1;local var2    IFS=, read var1 var2 <<< $array    sem -j +0    <code goes here>donesem --wait

unbuffer might help

unbuffer from the expect package

to build a pipe from two commands a, z

unbuffer a | z

to build a pipe from three (or more) commands a, b, z
add the -p option inside the pipe

unbuffer a | unbuffer -p b | z

source: stolen from stackexchange