Installable search engine package for file search [closed] Installable search engine package for file search [closed] unix unix

Installable search engine package for file search [closed]

We use Omnifind which works pretty well. You might also look into Nutch or Lucene.

Do you need it open-source and/or free? Do you need full unicode support?

Also do you want a search or an index? A search does not use any pre-computed information, for every search you have to porcess all the file data.

For an index you would have to pre-process / index the file data.

DTsearch is a commercial / not free index engine.

The fact that you mention a "database" would indicate to me that you are looking into an index.

There are hooks into the microsoft indexing service and you can also use MsSQL to index text data.

I am not quite sure I understand what you're looking for, or what your use case is exactly.

However, off the top of my head, there's the grep family of tools (grep, fgrep, egrep).

There's also find, which I think is more along the lines of what you're looking for.

And if performance matters, there's locate, which is based on an index that you will have to update periodically.

All of these come pre-installed with most flavors of UNIX.

I hope this helps.