Is there a Bash equivalent of Batch's msg *? Is there a Bash equivalent of Batch's msg *? unix unix

Is there a Bash equivalent of Batch's msg *?


bash has not been made with GUI in mind. Different commands may be available on different platforms, for instance:


msg '*' Hello World


osascript -e 'display dialog "Hello World"'

On Linux, you can use a (widely-available) console tool called dialog for much more than a simple message box (like menus, lists with checkboxes, radio buttons, multiple choice dialogs, file list/selection, date/time selection, inputbox, text input, etc.). Usually interactive install scripts use it.

For example, this:

dialog --msgbox 'hello world' 10 30

will give you:

enter image description here

For some cool examples, check in your /usr/share/doc/dialog/examples directory (after installing dialog via your favourite package manager).

A checklist, form, calendar, gauge (progress bar) and a fselect (file picker) follow:

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here