Linux / Unix — pipe the output to join Linux / Unix — pipe the output to join unix unix

Linux / Unix — pipe the output to join

Transferring an abbreviated version of the comments into an answer.

The original version of the question was asking about:

Plain sort quotes.t5 and pipe the output to join. In join use field separator, read from stdin and from quotes.comms, output to quotes.t6

You need to know that join is a command. It can read from standard input if you specify - as one of its two input file names.

The steps are then, it seems to me, quite straight-forward:

sort quotes.t5 | join -t'|' - quotes.comm > quotes.t6

or perhaps:

sort quotes.t5 | join -t'|' quotes.comm - >quotes.t6

I'm not sure how you tell which is required, except by interpreting 'read from stdin and quotes.comms' as meaning standard input first and quotes.comms second.