Portable way to pass file descriptor between different processes Portable way to pass file descriptor between different processes unix unix

Portable way to pass file descriptor between different processes

Your best bet is to try sending the file descriptor over a Unix domain socket. This is described in Stephens, and in a few places on the web, but I can dig up code for you if you ask nicely.

This will be pretty portable these days; a lot of the things considered "non-portable" way back when (such as mmap!) are extremely common now. If you need to be more portable than "most systems these days," you've got a lot of interesting issues ahead of you, but possibly if you tell us more about what you're doing and what platforms you're working on (perhaps non-Unix POSIX platforms?) we might be able to help out.

There is a Unix domain socket-based mechanism for transferring file descriptors (such as sockets - which cannot be memory mapped, of course) between processes - using the sendmsg() system call.

You can find more in Stevens (as mentioned by Curt Sampson), and also at Wikipedia.

You can find a much more recent question with working code at Sending file descriptor by Linux socket.