Printing only the first field in a string Printing only the first field in a string unix unix

Printing only the first field in a string

You can do this easily with a variety of Unix tools:

$ cut -d' ' -f1  <<< "12/12/2013 14:32"12/12/2013$ awk '{print $1}' <<< "12/12/2013 14:32"12/12/2013$ sed 's/ .*//' <<< "12/12/2013 14:32"12/12/2013$ grep -o "^\S\+"  <<< "12/12/2013 14:32"12/12/2013$ perl -lane 'print $F[0]' <<< "12/12/2013 14:32"12/12/2013

$ echo "12/12/2013 14:32" | awk '{print $1}'12/12/2013

print $1 --> Prints first column of the supplied string. 12/12/2013

print $2 --> Prints second column of the supplied string. 14:32

By default, awk treats the space character as the delimiter.

If your date string is stored in a variable, then you don't need to run an external program like cut, awk or sed, because modern shells like bash can perform string manipulation directly which is more efficient.

For example, in bash:

$ s="1/10/2013 23:41"$ echo "${s% *}"1/10/2013