Python 2.7 Argparse Yes or No input Python 2.7 Argparse Yes or No input unix unix

Python 2.7 Argparse Yes or No input

You could simply add an argument with action='store_true', which will default args.calories to False if the --calories is not included. To further clarify, if the user adds --calories, args.calories will be set to True.

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get food details.')# adding the `--food` argumentparser.add_argument('--food', help='name of food to lookup', required=True, type=file)# adding the `--calories` argumentparser.add_argument('--calories', action='store_true', dest='calories', help='...')# note: `dest` is where the result of the argument will go.# as in, if `dest=foo`, then `--calories` would set ` = True`.# in this case, it's redundant, but it's worth mentioning.args = parser.parse_args()if args.calories:    # if the user specified `--calories`,     # call the `calories()` method    calories()else:    do_whatever()

If, however, you would like to specifically check for yes or no, then replace the store_true in

parser.add_argument('--calories', action='store_true', dest='calories', help='...')

with store, as shown below

parser.add_argument('--calories', action='store', dest='calories', type='str', help='...')

This will then allow you to check later for

if args.calories == 'yes':    calories()else:    do_whatever()

Do note that in this case I added type=str, which parses the argument as a string. Since you specified that the choices are either yes or no, argparse actually allows us to further specify the domain of possible inputs with choices:

parser.add_argument('--calories', action='store', dest='calories', type='str',                     choices=['yes', 'no'], help='...')

Now, if a user enters anything not in ['yes', 'no'], it will raise an error.

One last possibility is adding a default, such that users don't have to necessarily specify certain flags all the time:

parser.add_argument('--calories', action='store', dest='calories', type='str',                     choices=['yes', 'no'], default='no', help='...')

Edit: As @ShadowRanger pointed out in the comments, in this case, dest='calories', action='store', and type='str' are the defaults, so you can omit them:

parser.add_argument('--calories', choices=['yes', 'no'], default='no', help='...')