Redis - How to expire key daily Redis - How to expire key daily unix unix

Redis - How to expire key daily

If you want to expire it 24 hrs later

client.expireat(key, parseInt((+new Date)/1000) + 86400);

Or if you want it to expire exactly at the end of today, you can use .setHours on a new Date() object to get the time at the end of the day, and use that.

var todayEnd = new Date().setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);client.expireat(key, parseInt(todayEnd/1000));

Since SETNX, SETEX, PSETEX are going to be deprecated in the next releases, the correct way is:

client.set(key, value, 'EX', 60 * 60 * 24, callback);

See here for a detailed discussion on the above.

You can set value and expiry together.

  //here key will expire after 24 hours  client.setex(key, 24*60*60, value, function(err, result) {    //check for success/failure here  }); //here key will expire at end of the day  client.setex(key, parseInt((new Date().setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)-new Date())/1000), value, function(err, result) {    //check for success/failure here  });