remove CR line terminators remove CR line terminators unix unix

remove CR line terminators

Simple \r terminators for newlines are "old Mac" line terminators, it is strange that an editor in 2012+ even generates files with such line terminators... Anyway, you can use the mac2unix command, which is part of the dos2unix distribution:

# Edits thefile inlinemac2unix thefile# Takes origfile as an input, outputs to dstfilemac2unix -n origfile dstfile

This command will not munge files which have already expected line terminators, which is a bonus. And the reverse (unix2mac) also exists.

Note that mac2unix is the same as dos2unix -c mac.

Also, if you work with vim, you can enforce UNIX line endings by executing

:set fileformat=unix:w

or just add

set fileformat=unix

to your .vimrc file

I finally figured out that I could use this command:

tr '^M' '\n' < >

where ^M is added by pressing Ctrl+v and Enter keys.Alternately, this has the same effect:

tr '\r' '\n' < >