Remove duplicates from text file based on second text file Remove duplicates from text file based on second text file unix unix

Remove duplicates from text file based on second text file

There are two standard ways to do this:

With grep:

grep -vxFf removethese main

This uses:

  • -v to invert the match.
  • -x match whole line, to prevent, for example, he to match lines like hello or highway to hell.
  • -F to use fixed strings, so that the parameter is taken as it is, not interpreted as a regular expression.
  • -f to get the patterns from another file. In this case, from removethese.

With awk:

$ awk 'FNR==NR {a[$0];next} !($0 in a)' removethese main15

Like this we store every line in removethese in an array a[]. Then, we read the main file and just print those lines that are not present in the array.

With grep:

grep -vxFf removethese.txt main.txt >output.txt

With fgrep:

fgrep -vxf removethese.txt main.txt >output.txt

fgrep is deprecated. fgrep --help says:

Invocation as 'fgrep' is deprecated; use 'grep -F' instead.

With awk (from @fedorqui):

awk 'FNR==NR {a[$0];next} !($0 in a)' removethese.txt main.txt >output.txt

With sed:

sed "s=^=/^=;s=$=$/d=" removethese.txt | sed -f- main.txt >output.txt

This will fail if removethese.txt contains special chars. For that you can do:

sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' removethese.txt >newremovethese.txt

and use this newremovethese.txt in the sed command. But this is not worth the effort, it's too slow compared to the other methods.

Test performed on the above methods:

The sed method takes too much time and not worth testing.

Files Used:

removethese.txt : Size: 15191908 (15MB)     Blocks: 29672   Lines: 100233main.txt : Size: 27640864 (27.6MB)      Blocks: 53992   Lines: 180034

grep -vxFf | fgrep -vxf | awk

Taken Time:
0m7.966s | 0m7.823s | 0m0.237s
0m7.877s | 0m7.889s | 0m0.241s
0m7.971s | 0m7.844s | 0m0.234s
0m7.864s | 0m7.840s | 0m0.251s
0m7.798s | 0m7.672s | 0m0.238s
0m7.793s | 0m8.013s | 0m0.241s

0m7.8782s | 0m7.8468s | 0m0.2403s

This test result implies that fgrep is a little bit faster than grep.

The awk method (from @fedorqui) passes the test with flying colors (0.2403 seconds only !!!).

Test Environment:

HP ProBook 440 G1 Laptop8GB RAM2.5GHz processor with turbo boost upto 3.1GHzRAM being used: 2.1GBSwap being used: 588MBRAM being used when the grep/fgrep command is run: 3.5GBRAM being used when the awk command is run: 2.2GB or lessSwap being used when the commands are run: 588MB (No change)

Test Result:

Use the awk method.

Here are a lot of the simple and effective solutions I've found:

You need to use one of Set Complement bash commands. 100MB files can be solved within seconds or minutes.

Set Membership

$ grep -xc 'element' set    # outputs 1 if element is in set                            # outputs >1 if set is a multi-set                            # outputs 0 if element is not in set$ grep -xq 'element' set    # returns 0 (true)  if element is in set                            # returns 1 (false) if element is not in set$ awk '$0 == "element" { s=1; exit } END { exit !s }' set# returns 0 if element is in set, 1 otherwise.$ awk -v e='element' '$0 == e { s=1; exit } END { exit !s }'

Set Equality

$ diff -q <(sort set1) <(sort set2) # returns 0 if set1 is equal to set2                                    # returns 1 if set1 != set2$ diff -q <(sort set1 | uniq) <(sort set2 | uniq)# collapses multi-sets into sets and does the same as previous$ awk '{ if (!($0 in a)) c++; a[$0] } END{ exit !(c==NR/2) }' set1 set2# returns 0 if set1 == set2# returns 1 if set1 != set2$ awk '{ a[$0] } END{ exit !(length(a)==NR/2) }' set1 set2# same as previous, requires >= gnu awk 3.1.5

Set Cardinality

$ wc -l set | cut -d' ' -f1    # outputs number of elements in set$ wc -l < set$ awk 'END { print NR }' set

Subset Test

$ comm -23 <(sort subset | uniq) <(sort set | uniq) | head -1# outputs something if subset is not a subset of set# does not putput anything if subset is a subset of set$ awk 'NR==FNR { a[$0]; next } { if !($0 in a) exit 1 }' set subset# returns 0 if subset is a subset of set# returns 1 if subset is not a subset of set

Set Union

$ cat set1 set2     # outputs union of set1 and set2                    # assumes they are disjoint$ awk 1 set1 set2   # ditto$ cat set1 set2 ... setn   # union over n sets$ cat set1 set2 | sort -u  # same, but assumes they are not disjoint$ sort set1 set2 | uniq# sort -u set1 set2$ awk '!a[$0]++'           # ditto

Set Intersection

$ comm -12 <(sort set1) <(sort set2)  # outputs insersect of set1 and set2$ grep -xF -f set1 set2$ sort set1 set2 | uniq -d$ join <(sort -n A) <(sort -n B)$ awk 'NR==FNR { a[$0]; next } $0 in a' set1 set2

Set Complement

$ comm -23 <(sort set1) <(sort set2)# outputs elements in set1 that are not in set2$ grep -vxF -f set2 set1           # ditto$ sort set2 set2 set1 | uniq -u    # ditto$ awk 'NR==FNR { a[$0]; next } !($0 in a)' set2 set1

Set Symmetric Difference

$ comm -3 <(sort set1) <(sort set2) | sed 's/\t//g'# outputs elements that are in set1 or in set2 but not both$ comm -3 <(sort set1) <(sort set2) | tr -d '\t'$ sort set1 set2 | uniq -u$ cat <(grep -vxF -f set1 set2) <(grep -vxF -f set2 set1)$ grep -vxF -f set1 set2; grep -vxF -f set2 set1$ awk 'NR==FNR { a[$0]; next } $0 in a { delete a[$0]; next } 1;       END { for (b in a) print b }' set1 set2

Power Set

$ p() { [ $# -eq 0 ] && echo || (shift; p "$@") |        while read r ; do echo -e "$1 $r\n$r"; done }$ p `cat set`# no nice awk solution, you are welcome to email me one:#

Set Cartesian Product

$ while read a; do while read b; do echo "$a, $b"; done < set1; done < set2$ awk 'NR==FNR { a[$0]; next } { for (i in a) print i, $0 }' set1 set2

Disjoint Set Test

$ comm -12 <(sort set1) <(sort set2)  # does not output anything if disjoint$ awk '++seen[$0] == 2 { exit 1 }' set1 set2 # returns 0 if disjoint                                         # returns 1 if not

Empty Set Test

$ wc -l < set            # outputs 0  if the set is empty                         # outputs >0 if the set is not empty$ awk '{ exit 1 }' set   # returns 0 if set is empty, 1 otherwise


$ head -1 <(sort set)    # outputs the minimum element in the set$ awk 'NR == 1 { min = $0 } $0 < min { min = $0 } END { print min }'


$ tail -1 <(sort set)    # outputs the maximum element in the set$ awk '$0 > max { max = $0 } END { print max }'