Remove field to get the value using awk or sed Remove field to get the value using awk or sed unix unix

Remove field to get the value using awk or sed

try following awk and let me know if this helps you.

awk '/Name/{gsub(/\"|\,/,"",$2);val=$2;next} /count/{print val " , " $2}'  Input_file


awk -F'[",]' '/Name/{val=$2;next} /count/{split($0, a," ");print val,a[2]}' OFS=" , "  Input_file

If you are using an awk that supports regular expression RS (at least gawk and mawk), you can do it like this:

awk '!(NR%2) { print $3 " , " $5  }' RS='\\ *{|}' FS='[\n," ]+' infile


ABC , 378DEF , 5283BCD , 152244XYZ , 56881A2B , 1749132

Here's another awk thought you may apply,

$ awk '$2~/[0-9A-Z]/ {printf gsub(/"/,"",$2)?$2:" "$2"\n"}' file

Brief explanation,

  • $2~/[0-9A-Z]/: find the record matched regex [0-9A-Z]
  • gsub(/"/,"",$2): remove " in the $2, and then print it