Remove lines with specific pattern Remove lines with specific pattern unix unix

Remove lines with specific pattern

Are you just trying to print lines where there's 2 or more non-zero values in $4 or $5? That'd be:

$ awk 'gsub(/[1-9][0-9]*/,"&",$4)>1 || gsub(/[1-9][0-9]*/,"&",$5)>1' fileT 11727 E 0:6:0:323:0:0 0:6:0:309:0:0T 11728 F 0:0:0:328:0:0 0:1:0:314:0:0

awk solution:

awk 'function get_count(s, c, len) {          len=split(s,a,":"); while(len--) if(a[len]){ c++ }          return c      } BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }get_count($4) > 1 || get_count($5) > 1' file

  • function get_count(s, c, len) { ... } - function returning the count of non-zero values in the given string

  • split(s,a,":") - splitting the string s into array a by separator :

  • while(len--) if(a[len]){ c++ } - accumulating non-zero count

The output:

T   11727   E   0:6:0:323:0:0   0:6:0:309:0:0T   11728   F   0:0:0:328:0:0   0:1:0:314:0:0