Restart Docker container on inner process crash Restart Docker container on inner process crash unix unix

Restart Docker container on inner process crash

You can use the --restart flag for docker run command

Example:docker run --restart=on-failure my-image-name

Or if you are using docker-compose then you restart: on-failure for the service

When you run multiple services in a container, and you are very, very sure you want this (it's best practice to run a single process in a single container), you may want a process supervisor (for example systemd) which restart any crashed process inside, or crash if any of it's supervised processes crash.

There are also some other, more lightweight, ways to accomplish this, like a wrapper bash script.

It's all described here:

Edit after question was updated with Dockerfile:

The easiest way is probably to make sure crashes if any of it's subprocesses crash. Then the container will crash, and optionally restart if you use --restart=on-failure in docker run.