rm -rf /base-dir-path/*/work isn't the same as /base-dir-path/*/*/work rm -rf /base-dir-path/*/work isn't the same as /base-dir-path/*/*/work unix unix

rm -rf /base-dir-path/*/work isn't the same as /base-dir-path/*/*/work

On tcsh 6.18.00 or newer:

set globstarrm -rf /base-path/path/**/work

On bash 4.0 or newer:

shopt -s globstarrm -rf /base-dir/path/**/work

On ksh:

set -o globstar # or set -Grm -rf /base-dir/path/**/work

On zsh:

rm -rf /base-dir/path/**/work

Alternately, with a find compliant with the 2006 revision of POSIX:

find /base-dir/path -type d -name work -exec rm -rf -- '{}' +

If you don't have a find with -exec ... {} +, then you likely don't have an xargs -0 either, and need to do this the inefficient way to be safe:

find /base-dir/path -type d -name work -exec rm -rf -- '{}' ';'