Setup SFTP to use public-key authentication Setup SFTP to use public-key authentication unix unix

Setup SFTP to use public-key authentication

In the client you need to generate its public key and add it to server's authorized key list.

The following are the commands you can use.

On client machine

ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsamv id_dsa* ~/.ssh/scp ~/.ssh/ USER_NAME@SERVER:~/.ssh/HOST_NAME.key

On the server

cat ~/.ssh/HOST_NAME.key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2

Remember to

chmod 700 .ssh

and also

chmod 600 authorized_keys

This is a solution for windows users

I had a similar issue on windows so I used Putty from

If you need to generate a public key then use:

Then, when you want to automate a batch to download from the FTP server the Pageant in order to load the private key into session

Then use the PSFTP to connect and perform actions

So here is sample code for the batch:

!--Loading the key to session--!@C:\pageant.exe "C:\privatekey.ppk"!--Calling the PSFTP.exe with the uaser and sftp address + command list file--!@C:\psftp user@your.server.address -b C:\sftp_cmd.txt

Command list file (sftp_cmd.txt) will like like this:

mget "*.*" !--downloading every thing!--more commands can follow hereclose

Now, all you need to to schedule it in scheduled tasks*I wish it was simple as unix's cron job....