Sort CSV file by column priority using the "sort" command Sort CSV file by column priority using the "sort" command unix unix

Sort CSV file by column priority using the "sort" command

sort --field-separator=';' --key=2,1,3

Suppose you have another row 3;10;3 in your unsorted.csv file. Then I guess you expect a numerically sorted result:


and not an alphabetically sorted one:


To get that, you have to use -n:

sort --field-separator=';' -n -k 2,2 -k 1,1 -k 3,3 unsorted.csv

It is worth mentioning that 2,2 has to be used. If only 2 is used, then sort takes the string from beginning of field 2 to the end. 2,2 makes sure that only field 2 is used.

Charlie's answer above didn't work for me on Cygwin (sort version 2.0, GNU textutils), the following did:

sort -t"," -k2 -k1 -k1