Terminal will not use updated a.out, how do I fix that? Terminal will not use updated a.out, how do I fix that? unix unix

Terminal will not use updated a.out, how do I fix that?

You are typing in


Which means "run the a.out program from the home directory." I think you want to type


Which means "run the a.out program from the current directory." If you are using gcc, the newly-created program will be placed into the current directory (which, unless you're in the home directory, is not the same place), so the new version will run the right program.

Hope this helps!

gcc main.c~/a.out

The first line will compile to a.out in your current directory, while the second line executes a.out from your HOME directory. Are you in your home directory?

If not, change the second line to


. means current directory. So ./a.out means execute the a.out file in my current directory.

With ~/a.out you run a binary from your home directory (see echo "$HOME"), which may be not the one where you're compiling your new main.c.

Try this: ./a.out (run from your current directory).