Timezone database file format question Timezone database file format question unix unix

Timezone database file format question

'Standard time' refers to 'winter time' as opposed to 'summer time' or 'daylight saving time'. Yes, GMT (loosely; strictly, UTC) is 'the standard for time', but it is not quite the same as what is being referred to by the 'isstd' column in your data.

The point about 'isstd' being 0 or 1 is that the transition times in Europe are (normally) specified to take place at 02:00 in the current time zone.

Thus, the clocks for Europe/Rome went:

1982-03-28 01:59:59 (UTC+01:00)1982-03-28 03:00:00 (UTC+02:00)

This transition was documented to occur at 02:00 standard time (so isstd = 1), but this was not a UTC (GMT) time; hence it was a Type 0 transition in your list. Conversely, in the autumn, the clocks went:

1982-09-26 01:59:59 (UTC+02:00)1982-09-26 01:00:00 (UTC+01:00)

The transition was documented to occur at 02:00 in time zone prevailing prior to the switch, so isstd = 0 (but it was not a UTC (GMT) time); hence, it was a Type 3 transition in your list.

The other combinations (types 1, 2, 4, 5) appear in other circumstances. For the same two transitions, you'd use a type 4 entry and document the change time as 01:00 UTC (because 01:00:00+00:00 is the same as 02:00:00+01:00; and you'd use a type 5 entry and document the change time as 00:00 UTC (because 00:00:00+00:00 is the same as 02:00:00+02:00). Note that the switch times here are different from each other. Analogous differences in the description apply to types 1 and 2.

I was going to edit my original post, but it says that it is too long:


I am thinking that my data is correct, and TimeAndDate.com has a minor bug.

For my tests, I focused on the first 2 transitions for Rome.

My data was:

type: 0, transition time in file:-1690851600

Add previous offset to get local transition time: June 03, 1916 00:00:00 New timezone is GMT+2

type: 1, transition time in file:-1680483600

Add previous offset to get local transition time: October 01, 1916 01:00:00 New timezone is GMT+1

TimeAndDate's data shows:

1.) Saturday, June 3, 1916 11:59:59 PM

Sunday, June 4, 1916 12:00:00 Midnight → 1:00:00 AM +1h UTC+2h CEST DST starts

2.) Saturday, September 30, 1916 11:59:59 PM

12:00:00 Midnight → 11:00:00 PM No UTC+1h CET DST ends

I set my computer's timezone and local time to match Rome.Then, I ran the following code:

time_t rome_ts;struct tm * rome_info;char rome_buffer[75];printf("My first transition:\n");rome_ts = -1690851601;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n");rome_ts = -1690851600;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n");rome_ts = -1690851599;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n\n\n");printf("TimeandDate.com's first transition:\n");rome_ts = -1690768801;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n");rome_ts = -1690768800;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n");rome_ts = -1690768799;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n\n\n");printf("My second transition:\n");rome_ts = -1680483601;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n");rome_ts = -1680483600;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n");rome_ts = -1680483599;rome_info = localtime(&rome_ts);printf("Timestamp: %ld\n",rome_ts);strftime(rome_buffer,75,"%A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z",rome_info);printf("%s, dst? = %d\n",rome_buffer,rome_info->tm_isdst);printf("\n\n\n");

The output showed that localtime() agreed with my transition times:

My first transition: Timestamp:

-1690851601 Friday June 02, 1916 23:59:59 CET, dst? = 0

Timestamp: -1690851600 Saturday June 03, 1916 01:00:00 CEST, dst? = 1

Timestamp: -1690851599 Saturday June 03, 1916 01:00:01 CEST, dst? = 1

TimeandDate.com's first transition:

Timestamp: -1690768801 Saturday June 03, 1916 23:59:59 CEST, dst? = 1

Timestamp: -1690768800 Sunday June 04, 1916 00:00:00 CEST, dst? = 1

Timestamp: -1690768799 Sunday June 04, 1916 00:00:01 CEST, dst? = 1

My second transition: Timestamp:

-1680483601 Sunday October 01, 1916 00:59:59 CEST, dst? = 1

Timestamp: -1680483600 Sunday October 01, 1916 00:00:00 CET, dst? = 0

Timestamp: -1680483599 Sunday October 01, 1916 00:00:01 CET, dst? = 0