Unix command deleted every directory even though not specified Unix command deleted every directory even though not specified unix unix

Unix command deleted every directory even though not specified

The -r argument means "delete recursively" (ie descend into subdirectories). The -f command means "force" (in other words, don't ask for confirmation). -rf means "descend recursively into subdirectories without asking for confirmation"

ls -l lists all files in the directory. xargs takes the input from ls -l and appends it to the command you pass to xargs

The final command that got executed looked like this:

rm -rf bark.* <output of ls -l>

This essentially removed bark.* and all files in the current directory. Moral of the story: be very careful with rm -rf. (You can use rm -ri to ask before deleting files instead)

rm(1) deleted every file and directory in the current working directory because you asked it to.

To see roughly what happened, run this:

cd /etc ;  ls -l | xargs echo

Pay careful attention to the output.

I strongly recommend using echo in place of rm -rf when constructing command lines. Only if the output looks fine should you then re-run the command with rm -rf. When in doubt, maybe just use rm -r so that you do not accidentally blow away too much. rm -ir if you are very skeptical of your command line. (I have been using Linux since 1994 and I still use this echo trick when constructing slightly complicated command lines to selectively delete a pile of files.)

Incidentally, I would avoid parsing ls(1) output in any fashion -- filenames can contain any character except ASCII NUL and / chars -- including newlines, tabs, and output that looks like ls -l output. Trying to parse this with tools such as xargs(1) can be dangerous.

Instead, use find(1) for these sorts of things. To delete all files in all directories named bark.*, I'd run a command like this:

find . -type d -name 'bark.*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r

Again, I'd use echo in place of rm -r for the first execution -- and if it looked fine, then I'd re-run with rm -r.

The ls -l command gave a list of all the subdirectories in your current present-working-directory (PWD).

The rm command can delete multiple files/directories if you pass them to it as a list.

eg: rm test1.txt test2.txt myApp will delete all three of the files with names:


Also, the flags for the rm command you used are common in many a folly.
rm -f - Force deletion of files without asking or confirming
rm -r - Recurse into all subdirectories and delete all their contents and subdirectories

So, let's say you are in /home/user, and the directory structure looks like so:


the ls -l command will provide the list containing "dir1 dir2 file1.txt", and the result of the command ls -l | xargs rm -rf will look like this:
rm -rf dir1 dir2 file1.txt

If we expand your original question with the example above, the final command that gets passed to the system becomes:rm -rf di1 dir2 file1.txt bark.*

So, everything in the current directory gets wiped out, so the bark.* is redundant (you effectively told the machine to destroy everything in the current directory anyway).

I think what you meant to do was delete all files in the current directory and all subdirectories (recurse) that start with bark. To do that, you just have to do:
find -iname bark.* | xargs rm

The command above means "find all files in this directory and subdirectories, ignoring UPPERCASE/lowercase/mIxEdCaSe, that start with the characters "bark.", and delete them". This could still be a bad command if you have a typo, so to be sure, you should always test before you do a batch-deletion like this.

In the future, first do the following to get a list of all the files you will be deleting first to confirm they are the ones you want deleted.
find -iname bark.* | xargs echo

Then if you are sure, delete them via
find -iname bark.* | xargs rm

Hope this helps.

As a humorous note, one of the most famous instances of "rm -rf" can be found here:https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee-Old-and-abbandoned/commit/a047be85247755cdbe0acce6f1dafc8beb84f2ac

An automated script runs something like rm -rf /usr/local/........., but due to accidentally inserting a space, the command became rm -rf /usr /local/......, so this effectively means "delete all root folders that start with usr or local", effectively destroying the system of anyone who uses it. I feel bad for that developer.

You can avoid these kinds of bugs by quoting your strings, ie:rm -rf "/usr/ local/...." would have provided an error message and avoided this bug, because the quotes mean that everything between them is the full path, NOT a list of separate paths/files (ie: you are telling rm that the file/folder has a SPACE character in its name).