Unix file naming convention for effective tab completion? Unix file naming convention for effective tab completion? unix unix

Unix file naming convention for effective tab completion?

I've generally worked on projects where related files are all in the same directory, and the file names themselves are specialized to indicate their contents.

Of course, this begs the question, why are you doing tab completion on file names? If you're perusing source code, there are TAGS, CEDET, and a plethora of other utilities that will let you bypass the file name and jump directly the the function/variable you're really after.

It all depends on what you're really trying to do, and finding a particular file is usually the means to a different end.

In general,

setterm -blength 0

will disable the terminal's beep. GNU screen and some graphical terminals have their own beep notification settings.

Specifically for Bash and other Readline-using software, tab completion behavior can be changed using $INPUTRC, /etc/inputrc, and ~/.inputrc configuration files. For example,

bell-style none     # never ring the bellbell-style visible  # use visual bell, if availableshow-all-if-ambiguous on  # list all completions instead of ringing the bell

I must admit that I names my files without regard to tab completion and instead adjust my urge to hit tab until I know that I have typed enough characters to not get tab-silly.