Unix Shell Loop through files and replace texts Unix Shell Loop through files and replace texts unix unix

Unix Shell Loop through files and replace texts

To run sed on all the xml files, just specify the wildcard

sed "s/old_text/new_text/g" *.xml -i

To create a backup, just specify the extension after -i:

sed "s/old_text/new_text/g" *.xml -i~

Note that's usually better to use XML aware tools to handle XML.

For all .xml files that lie in the current directory:

sed -i.bak 's/old_text/new_text/g' *.xml

To recurse into subdirectories, combine with find:

find . -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i.bak 's/old_text/new_text/g' '{}' \;

The backup files will end in .xml.bak this way (the parameter to -i is appended to the original file name).

a practical shell script, if you intend to sanitize a bunch of files with a number of measures – things that will get a little impractical on a single line...

# only take files form certain subfolders and certain extensions# be careful to not tamper with .git or .svn folders # - thus excluding all hidden folders as an extra precaution# - also tampering with node_modules is a bad ideaFILES=$(find . -type f -regextype posix-extended     \    -regex "^\./(public|source)/.*\.(scss|js)$"         \    -not -regex ".*\/(\.|node_modules).*")for f in $FILESdoecho "Processing $f file..."# all files: prune trailing whitespace on each file.sed -i 's/ *$//' $fif [[ $f =~ \.js$ ]]; then    echo "javascript file!"    # DO stufffiif [[ $f =~ \.scss$ ]]; then    echo "scss file!"    # \b whole word matching – stackoverflow.com/a/1032039/444255    sed -i 's/\#000\b/black/g' $f    sed -i 's/\#000000\b/black/g' $f    sed -i 's/\#fff\b/white/g' $f    sed -i 's/\#ffffff\b/white/g' $ffidone

caveat: with great power comes great responsibility, and mass-replacement means great power...