Unix Shell - Understanding the use of parenthesis for variables Unix Shell - Understanding the use of parenthesis for variables unix unix

Unix Shell - Understanding the use of parenthesis for variables

This is rather crude but should be a good start:

abc - bare word\string that can be a variable name: abc=123

$abc - reference to a variable called abc

${abc} - string safe variable reference file_${abc}_name.txt

$(abc) - run the command abc and use it's stdout in place of the $(abc)

($abc) - run the command stored $abc in a subshell

Assuming you are in bash read the docs on variables and command substitution and parameter substitution.

The $ character is used to signal that parameter expansion is to be performed on the term following. Therefore if the shell reads


on it will be parsed as a command and the shell will try and execute that command.

If the shell sees


it will perform parameter expansion on the text abc and effectively substitute the value of abc in place.


will also perform parameter expansion. The use of the parentheses becomes significant when you have expressions like this:




In the 1st instance the shell will perform parameter expansion on abc. In the second instance it will perform parameter expansion on abc_sometext

The $( tells the shell to execute whats in the braces and perform command substitution. In this context the $ is not used for parameter expansion. So if the shell reads the following:


the shell will execute abc and the output from it will be substitued in place and the shell will try to execute that string.

( simply groups commands and executes them in a subshell. So


will execute abc but unlike $(abc) it will not try and execute whatever the output of the command is. For example:

$ $(which ls)Desktop  Documents  Downloads  Mail  Manjaro  Music  Pictures  Public      Templates  Videos  bin  code  tmp$ (which ls)/usr/bin/ls$