What unix text editor should I learn? [closed] What unix text editor should I learn? [closed] unix unix

What unix text editor should I learn? [closed]

Learn nvi, vim (essentially the same, for basic operation) and emacs to the point that you can do minor edits. Then decide which one you prefer and learn it more thoroughly. I have a preferred editor that is one of those three, but can do basic editing tasks with all of them.

If you're not sure, try several of them:

Use whichever one works best for your needs. Letting someone else make this decision for you is not a great idea.

Here is a more comprehensive list with a comparison of features:


With this question you are looking for the answer in a holy war. That probably means both vi(m) and emacs will suit your needs.

For vim I have often used this site:http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Vim_Tips_Wiki

And this cheat sheet:http://www.digilife.be/quickreferences/QRC/VIM%20Quick%20Reference%20Card.pdf