Why use Esc in vim? [closed] Why use Esc in vim? [closed] unix unix

Why use Esc in vim? [closed]

I have mapped Escape to otherwise unused Caps Lock. This is a common method to streamline vim's usage. This article has some alternative solutions, too. The same article links to tweaks to make the Escape-Capslock switch system-wide if you prefer.

An alternative for the esc key is CTRL+[ combination.
(This is a standard in VIM, no need to remap anything).

I use this shortcut all the time instead of Esc.

Also I remapped my caps lock key to Ctrl, that way it is even easier to type.

I have the key sequence jk mapped to Esc.

You might ask, so what happens when you come across a word with jk. No problem. Type j, wait for half a second and then type k. Yes, that's non-ideal but the advantages of not having to move your hands of home row is much more.

I highly recommend jk sequence as `Esc.

Other variations of the same idea are jj - which in my humble opinion wont work for me. I use j for moving down - as others.